Why Store Food, Part 3


Store your foods carefully. Look around your house. Where is it safe from bugs? Cleaners? Poisonous chemicals leaching? Avoiding moisture.
  1. Get food-grade containers with tops. Tightly seal to keep bugs and other critters out, and moisture out.
  2. As we've noted before, we get icing buckets from bakeries, thoroughly clean and dry, pack, include dessicant packs (to suck up any moisture) and bay leaves (bugs don't really like these), put on top, seal with wax, and label with contents and expire dates.
  3. Some foods are purposely canned to be moisture and critter proof, like those #10 cans. They are also easy to store, and when you need to open one, most have a plastic lid to go on top. If not, get some extras.
  4. Remember, opening a package of stored foods will start the clock on reducing the storage life.
  5. Keep as cold as possible to get the maximum storage shelf life as possible. Do you have a root cellar or basement? Great, use that. If not, store under your bed or stack in a bedroom closet.
  6. Do NOT store near chemicals that could possibly leak. That includes cleaning products, paint, gasoline, etc. Even if the chemicals don't leak, the fumes might taint or even poison your stored food.
More tomorrow!