- Where can we get non-genetically-modified seeds?
- Some sources say quinoa is gluten-free and some say it does have gluten. Huh?
- Is there more than one kind, like there are different kinds of corn?
- We understand the quinoa does well in less fertile soil, drought, low temperatures, and short growing seasons. So at the foothills of Colorado's Rocky Mountains - it should do well, right?
- Can it be grown in containers?
- If a family of 4 eats quinoa twice a week, how many seeds would we need to plant to supply them for an entire year, and still have enough left over to plant for the next year?
- The leaves are supposed to be highly nutritious and full of protein, cooked. Same as raw?
- How is it planted, grown, harvested and stored?
- We've used quinoa as those little pellets/seeds. Is there a reference for the step-by-step process of hulling it?
An overall MUST ingredient for our food stores, so ... ... ... thanks for any info you have on this.